SNOWLESS is the only sustainable, energy efficient snowmelt solution for lightly and heavily trafficked pavement surfaces. The SNOWLESS consortium consists of four partner companies, each being an expert in their area of expertise: production, installation, safety, and validation. From manufacturing to road safety, our consortium is committed to deliver the highest standard of products and services.

How does it work?

The SNOWLESS system is designed using a combination of patented hardware and software: Ultra robust amorphous alloy heating ribbons, embedded in the infrastructure top layer, and remotely controlled software, providing autonomous operation. The method of operation is as follows:
1. Detection of weather and surface conditions done by integrated sensors and local weather forecasts.
2. Real-time data analysis using our predictive algorithm-based control system.
3. High precision operation of our patented heating elements to mitigate the infrastructure hazards – snow & ice, cracking or frost heaving.

What is an amorphous alloy heating element?

Amorphous metal is a solid metallic material, usually an alloy, with a disordered atomic-scale structure. Most metals are crystalline in their solid state. The amorphous heating metal is extremely strong, does not wear out and has an unparalleled heat performance.

What are heating ribbons?

A heating ribbon is a long flat element, with a nominally rectangular cross-section; it incorporates an internal metallic core that produces heat when an electric current is passed through it. By varying the input voltage, the actual heat output from a ribbon can be controlled to within the range of 0% to 100%.Overall, the ribbon can withstand temperature levels of up to 200C during pavement construction operations.

What surfaces are compatible with Snowless heating ribbons?

SNOWLESS technology can be installed in asphalt, concrete, stone and polymer. SNOWLESS is the only solution designed for seamless integration with hot asphalt, both for new construction and retrofitting.

Where can snowless systems be implemented?

The SNOWLESS system can be implemented in all critical infrastructures, including airports, sea ports, logistic hubs, and more.

What are the advantages of using Snowless technology?/How is Snowless better than existing snow removal methods?

SNOWLESS is the only comprehensive alternative snow melting/ deicing solution. In addition to traditional snow melting requirements, SNOWLESS system benefits include:
– Low temperature cracking prevention
– Ice protection
– Energy saving
– Downtime reduction
– Increased response times
– Low maintenance

How does Snowless improve road safety?

SNOWLESS decreases the reaction time to treating unsafe winter road conditions. Snow and ice dramatically reduce the skid resistance of pavement surfaces and significantly increase risks, costs, and liabilities associated with pedestrians, cyclists, cars, trucks, and aircrafts.

What makes snowless superior in energy efficiency?

The SNOWLESS system is the only technology directly reducing the negative environmental impacts of both road deicers and snow plough vehicles, such as carbon emissions, ground and water contamination, and damages to marine ecosystems. Additionally, SNOWLESS control systems utilize integrated sensors and local weather forecasts to reduce energy usage and guarantee superior energy efficiency. Moreover, SNOWLESS technology is the only system implemented in heavy duty asphalt to offer compatibility with renewable energy sources.

How do the systems prevent cracking?

The SNOWLESS system monitors local weather data to activate preventative heating to ensure road temperature is stabilized in extreme weather conditions that have the potential to result in cracking. By heating the roads, the thermal stress of the surface does not exceed the strength of the material in order to cause low-temperature cracking.