More than 50% of the roads in the UK are currently in disrepair

More than 50% of the roads in the UK are currently in disrepair, which poses significant risks to motorists and motorcycles, but also has significant economic and environmental implications. The annual road maintenance report published by Asphalt Industry Alliance has disclosed that repairing these damaged roads has now surpassed a staggering £14 billion, indicating the urgent need for increased investment in #roadmaintenance and repair.

However, the issue of neglected road #infrastructure goes beyond the economic costs. #potholes and #cracks in the asphalt can cause accidents, as well as contribute to increased air pollution and carbon emissions. To address these concerns, we need sustainable and long-term solutions such as SNOWLESS® technology. This innovative approach provides real-time autonomous temperature control, which helps prevent low-temperature #cracking and frost damage, leading to safer roads and a healthier #environment.

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